Course Information

3D Printing is an emerging technology in the 21st century and is rising in popularity because of the low costs needed to fabricate prototypes. As a result designers equipped with Computer Aid Design skills and 3D spatial awareness are increasing in demand. In this workshop, the participants will be taught basic 3D CAD Drawing skills using simple drag and drop methods to create a 3D product prototype. A demonstration of how the 3D printer works will be conducted. Their product created in the workshop will be printed but given on a separate date. 

Course Specifications

Key takeaways


Age group

Venue required

Indoor space for 3D CAD Drawing.

Teaching Language 

Course Structure

  • Theory on 3D Printing Applications - 30 mins
  • 3D Printer Demonstration (Indoors) - 20 mins
  • 3D CAD Drawing (Indoors) - 100 mins

2.5 hours

8 years old and above

English | Mandarin available

**3D product will be printed and sent to the participant separately**

  1. Mathematics Concepts like dimensions, proportion, measurements and shape geometry. 
  2. Designing tools like Work planes, stacking, orthographic vs isometric drawing,
  3. Applications of 3D CAD drawing through drag and drop methods.
  4. Understand how a 3D printer works.

Participants will be taught to adjust object dimensions and read measurements. They will learn about geometry of shapes and stack shapes to draw the object. 


This is the most enjoyable module. I even got my product printed on the 3D printer. I would love to learn more advanced stuff of the course if there is a chance.

Student, Dunman Secondary School 


Participants learn basic tools and functions of a CAD Drawing software. They will be taught isometric and orthographic views through drawing their very own object prototype. 

3D Printing SCience

Participants of this workshop will learn physics concepts like heat and energy. They will watch the plastic filament melt at the extruder tip of the 3D printer and solidifying upon cooling.


Trainer will introduce the participants to this new emerging technology of 3D printing and its applications. They will learn about how to use a 3D CAD software to design objects.